Chairperson’s report
for years July 2019 to July 2021
We have been living through changing times. We were unable to have an AGM in July 2020 due to the pandemic that has changed our world.
A brief summary of July 2019 to 2020 when Isy Shackleton was chairperson.
In July the hall was redecorated throughout.
The floor were sanded and refinished, two new cookers and a fridge were installed. New pictures and old photographs were displayed; all making the hall look very smart and welcoming.
Events that took place were; the popular Produce Show in August.The Quiz Night in October which was a great success thanks to many but especially because of the yummy food provided by Barbara and Greg.
In January 2020 we welcomed new villagers at the Annual gathering, but unfortunately the Easter Egg Rolling had to be cancelled.
The hall continued to be used by our regular hirers.
Social distancing, wearing of face coverings, hand washing or sanitising and the two metre distance rule have all become part of our daily lives. Government ruling has prevented people from mixing socially. Events with gatherings of people have not been allowed for fear of spreading the virus. All of this has caused our village hall to close on 23rd March 2020 and remain closed for most of the year. The hall opened to hirers for just two months in September and October but then lockdown returned and we had to close again. There have been NO events held at the hall over the past year.
The Village Hall opened again on May 6th 2021 for elections and then later in May for hirers but still with restrictions. There was a great deal of preparation which had to be undertakento enable the hall to open. The booking documentation is lengthy and includes a COVID-19 risk assessment and special conditions of hire. Hirers have to clean surfaces before classes and afterwards. The hall has also to be thoroughly cleaned by our cleaner more regularly. Documentation had and continues to be constantly reviewed in order to ensure that current regulations are met. In the building itself, hand sanitising stations and a one way system have been implemented. There is also reduced availability of crockery and equipment including the kitchen appliances. All of this was/is essential to ensure the hall fulfilled the criteria to be categorized as COVID secure.
Despite being closed since March 2020, the hall still had running costs and bills to pay. We had lost our main source of income from events. We are grateful to Tony Wilson, our Treasurer, who successfully applied for grants from DDC. And to Willy Godden for the income brought in by the Tote. This ensured that the day to day bills continued to be paid.
The Village Hall Committee has met twice over the past year. At our meeting in August 2020, several committee members announced their resignations. Keighley Reardon, Philippa Powell and Isy Shackleton were leaving the village and so their resignations were tendered, Diana Kilshaw also stated her intention to resign due to her personal circumstances. Ian Weaver left us as the Parish Council representative and Pam Webb became an honorary member. All of these committee members have contributed so much over the years, Our thanks were extended to them and presentations were made.
Following the departure of several committee members, we were left short of people to carry out key roles. Isy was the Chairperson, Philippa was the secretary and Diana was the Booking Officer. Jane Evans and Carolyn Wilson were elected as Joint Chairpersons until the next AGM. Carolyn would also cover the role of Secretary and Booking Officer until new members could be appointed to the committee.
There is a constitution that sets out who can join the committee, and new members were sought via various communication routes within the village. We meet today at this AGM to formally welcome with gratitude the new committee volunteers.
I would like to thank everyone particularly Carolyn and Tony Willson for the hard work in all areas to keep the Village Hall ticking over within government guidelines during this period.
It is disappointing that our annual events such as the Egg Rolling and Flower and Produce show have not taken place in 2020 or 2021. To bring some joy to the village in these difficult times, it was decided to hold an Easter trail. We thank everyone who took part, the Easter displays were very much enjoyed by everyone.
As the lockdown restrictions start to ease, our lives gradually start to return to some kind of normality. It would be lovely to see villagers enjoying themselves inside the hall once again, and that our hall will be available, and in good condition for when we can safely meet and once again enjoy the many events that we hold.
Technically after this AGM the event in 8 days time will be in next year's report, however I just want to mention that the upcoming Staverton Villagers Gathering has been organised to welcome the many new people who have joined our village. It's an outdoor event as the hall is still restricted to only 30 people; it was felt that this outdoor event was a way to be inclusive to all villagers.
Jane Evans
Joint Chairperson,
Staverton Village Hall